Welcome to Elonna's Corner -- This site is for PRIVATE USE ONLY.

This Forum was created solely for individuals using Protocel®/Entelev® or Protocel®/Cancell®, their loved ones and friends, and for those seeking more information regarding this Alternative Supplement being used for the treatment of Cancer and Auto-Immune Issues as well as other health-related conditions. It is our hope and prayer that within this Forum you will find a safe haven of encouragement and support during your Protocel® journey.

Prior to registration, please clearly understand that this is NOT a support site for all alternative/conventional cancer treatments. It has solely been established to provide individuals around the world with an avenue to connect, to support and uplift one another, and to find helpful information regarding Protocel®/Entelev® or Protocel®/Cancell®. The Administrators and Moderators have the right to remove any individual who does not abide by our stated Rules and Posting Etiquette. Please be sure to read these prior to finalizing registration.

Note: Guests can view this main page in order to review the categories of discussion available prior to registration. However, Guests are restricted from viewing threads and posting until they have Registered and Logged In. Be sure to complete registration by checking your e-mail and activating your forum account. Check out the User Registration Help document for further assistance.

Forum Threads Posts Last Post
Community Announcements Corner
This section is reserved for posting only by the Administrator and Moderators of the Forum. If you have an announcement that you want posted, such as a gathering in your area, get the information to an Administrator or one of the Moderators. We will then post a Thread Announcement for you. We reserve the right to deny a posting under this section. Please see our Disclaimers regarding any material posted on this Forum.
16 31 Still around
10-22-2014, 09:18 PM
by Rebeccawomack

Forum Threads Posts Last Post
Tell Us Your Story - Testimonies of Recovery Corner
This section has been created to contain solely contain recovery journeys/testimonies of individuals who have reached to state of being cancer free and/or who consider themselves "cured". This portion of The Corner is not for the posting of an ongoing recovery journey, but rather solely for testimonies of completed recoveries.
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Tell Us Your Story - Healing Journey Corner
This section has been created in the hopes that individuals will open a unique Thread solely for themselves. Please title this Thread with your name and diagnosis. Whenever you want to update your condition, PLEASE go back to this Thread and add to it so that your entire health story is concisely contained under one Thread heading rather than all over the Forum in different spots. Use the other areas of the Forum for general topics of discussion.
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Open Discussion Corner about General Issues regarding Protocel®/Entelev®/Cancell®
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Urgent Help Needed Corner
This section has been created so that you can begin a Thread regarding a urgent/immediate need in your life that needs addressed regarding your Protocel®/Entelev®/Cancell® journey.
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Protocel® & Children Corner
This is a separate section created for individuals with children using Protocel®/Entelev®/Cancell® so that they can form a closer bond and not get lost in the shuffle of all the Threads/Posts relating to adult issues.
Sub Forums:
Protocel® & Children - Tell Us Your Story Corner,
Protocel® & Children - Open Discussion Corner
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Protocel® & Pets Corner
This is a separate section created for individuals with pets using Protocel®/Entelev®/Cancell® so that they can form a closer bond and not get lost in the shuffle of all the Threads/Posts relating to adult issues.
Sub Forums:
Protocel® & Pets - Tell Us Your Story Corner,
Protocel® & Pets - Open Discussion Corner, and 1 more.
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Forum Threads Posts Last Post
I Need Prayer
If you begin a Thread or write a post under this section, please be as specific about your prayer needs as possible. DO NOT go into great detail about your overall health condition, but rather point individuals to your "Tell Us Your Story" for that information.
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Encouragement and Inspiration
Please leave this section SOLELY for uplifting thoughts, meaningful/inspiring words for the Forum Community. Positive results from testing should be posted under your "Tell Us Your Story" Thread.
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In Remembrance
This section is to be SOLELY used for the posting of individuals' Protocel®/Entelev®/Cancell® stories who lost their battle with cancer. It is NOT to be used as a memorial site for everyone you know who has died from cancer. This section is here so that we realize that most individuals who die while on Protocel®/Entelev®/Cancell® do not die of their cancer, but rather from secondary conditions set up in their body from the toxic conventional treatment pursued prior to Protocel®/Entelev®/Cancell® and/or other complications such as blood clots, infections that run rampant in the body due to the weakened condition of the individual, Cachexia (Wasting Away Syndrome), etc.
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Board Statistics
Board Statistics
Our members have made a total of 9,774 posts in 869 threads.
We currently have 3,043 members registered.
The most users online at one time was 63 on 01-29-2024 at 03:05 PM
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