12-26-2010, 02:13 PM,
(This post was last modified: 01-13-2011, 02:25 AM by Elonna.)
Junior Member

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Location: Illinois
Health Concern: child with t-cell lymphoblastic lymphoma
Tonya's Child with T-Cell Lymphoma
My name is Tonya. My son just relapsed with T Cell Lymphoblastic Lymphoma after a 2 year coarse and remission for approx 4-5 months. It is quite aggressive. We allowed them to put him through one round of a very intense chemo to get him into remission, they want to do a second and then BMT. We feel more everyday that we cannot allow this and sense strongly that it will be too much for him. But we do not want our son to die!!
We are going to start Protocel. We have already done a Navarro Urine test which according to this shows a 53 and shows that the chemo helped us at least get down to a manageable level. He is having very hard time recovering for this, we can see it everyday. We feel God is leading us to NOT do the BMT and are not sure he would be able to tolerate one more dose of chemo. We are getting stronger and stronger in our resolution to avoid further chemo. Researching and prayer have helped immensely.
Looking to chat/ get feedback/encouragement from other parents on similar road.
Editing Reason: Changed Title to add name as we are including names in "Tell Us Your Story Titles" due to the fact that there will eventually be many similar such cases on The Corner. Additionally, put in some paragraph lines just so it was easier to read post./elonna
Tonya Campbell
Mother of child dx with T-Cell Non Hodgkins Lymphoblastic Lymphoma stage 4 May 2008 (11 ys old).
Treated for 2 year protocol. In remission, done with treatment May 2010 (13 years old).
Relapsed Dec 4th 2010 with docs wanting to do a BMT.
Allowed one hard round of chemo, prayed and researched and starting alternate therapy Dec. 2010. Protocel Jan 3rd. Dec. baseline Navarro 53, Jan. 21st 52.6!!
God is directing,God is healing!!
12-27-2010, 07:05 PM,
(This post was last modified: 01-13-2011, 02:26 AM by Elonna.)
Posts: 539
Joined: Jun 2010
Location: Joelton, TN
Health Concern: Mother had SCLC.
RE: Tonya's Child with T-Cell Lymphoma
Welcome to the forum. My heart aches for all of you!! What an incredible journey that you have been on so far. I am so glad that you are here and am eager to pray for all of you. I am a moderator on the site and write to support from an encouragement perspective. The Lord lifted my mom in love from this earth to be with Him approximately three months ago. She did not pass away from cancer, but from a complication of the cancer (heart attack from a blood clot). I share this with you to encourage you!! Although God knows the numbers of our days, I am certain that He used Protocel to provide her with health for as long as He did with her terminal cancer. She was on it for approximately four months with positive results. She too, avoided chemo no matter what, as she also believed this was where God was leading her.
I am so glad that you are here and am eager to pray on your behalf. Please let me know if there is anything that I can do. May God bless your family with strenght. May He write hope and healing on every cell in your son's body.
In Him,
Rejoicing in my mother's heavenly dwelling and healthy perfection.
She was a Protocel user. I am a Protocel supporter.
I am glad to be here to encourage you on your journey!
Connect with me on Facebook using the email address in the search bar:
"Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful.~Hebrews 10:23
01-12-2011, 06:44 PM,
(This post was last modified: 01-13-2011, 02:27 AM by Elonna.)
Junior Member

Posts: 19
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Location: Illinois
Health Concern: child with t-cell lymphoblastic lymphoma
RE: Tonya's Child with T-Cell Lymphoma
Thanks Rebecca,
I am having trouble navigating this site. I am glad to have your prayers as we continue to fight off fear and thank God for His powerful healing!! If you know of other successful children cases or lymphoma cases please direct me. Sorry for the loss of your mother and sorry for Ellonna's injury. Praying.
Tonya Campbell
Mother of child dx with T-Cell Non Hodgkins Lymphoblastic Lymphoma stage 4 May 2008 (11 ys old).
Treated for 2 year protocol. In remission, done with treatment May 2010 (13 years old).
Relapsed Dec 4th 2010 with docs wanting to do a BMT.
Allowed one hard round of chemo, prayed and researched and starting alternate therapy Dec. 2010. Protocel Jan 3rd. Dec. baseline Navarro 53, Jan. 21st 52.6!!
God is directing,God is healing!!
01-13-2011, 03:00 AM,
(This post was last modified: 01-16-2011, 04:09 AM by Elonna.)
Posts: 1,639
Joined: Apr 2010
Location: Ohio, USA
Health Concern: Survivor of a Glioblastoma Multiforme - Stage IV
RE: Tonya's Child with T-Cell Lymphoma
I'm glad to see you on the site. Sorry you feel that you are having trouble navigating the site. I'm home now. Give me a call when you have some time and I can walk you through any area that you are having trouble working with. The more you use the site, the easier you will see it truly is to use.
I know you are wanting to talk with others that have lymphoma and I see that no one with lymphoma has stepped up to talk with you. I'm sorry about that. However, please don't be discouraged by this. Know that "The Corner" is still relatively small in number and especially in the number of individuals who are actually postings. Many people want to read posts but they are anxious about posting themselves.
Also, know that if you truly understand Jim Sheridan's theory behind Entelev/Cancell/ Protocel's working, then you know that cancer is cancer is cancer. In other words, it does not matter what kind of cancer you have -- cancer is one disease -- not many and varied as the doctors would like us to believe. The reason Protocel works is because all cancer begins with a damaged cell that begins to mutate. Protocel attacks this damaged cell. Get rid of the mutated cell -- you get rid of the cancer: No matter the locale, no matter what stage, etc .......
I look forward to working with you on The Corner.
Elonna McKibben [330/772-5649 Ohio, USA]
Website: http://www.elonnamckibben.com & http://www.strongholdofhope.com
Dx: 10-12-89 with Spinal Cord Glioblastoma Multiforme Stage IV
Surgery only on 10-12-89
Diagnosis/Prognosis given after surgery on 10-16-89
Began Cancell/Protocel #50: 11-12-89
Clear CT Scans: 2-6-90 & 2-20-90
2 yrs 3 mos on Cancell - NO other Treatment
Restored to Health & Thriving in Life for 23 years & Counting
01-13-2011, 08:37 AM,
Posts: 539
Joined: Jun 2010
Location: Joelton, TN
Health Concern: Mother had SCLC.
RE: Tonya's Child with T-Cell Lymphoma
I completely understand where you are at. I, too, scoured the internet trying to find survivors of small cell lung cancer, the type of cancer my mom had. The prognosis for her cancer is terribly bleak, and I thought if I could find just one person who survived, then maybe my mom could, too. But what I came to realize in that search, which included learning about types of alternative therapies is that science is science. Protocel is what makes sense. Other attempts to heal the body alternatively via concoctions (e.g. maple syrup and baking soda) or outrageously expensive alternative treatment centers (e.g. CHIPSA and Issels), were not what would work for my mom. Protocel worked because of how it attacks the cancer. The process is relatively simple, but the challenge is having the endless patience and hope to give it time to work like it should.
Everyone's body responds so differently to Protocel. Whether it is the lysing or the reduction of the cancer, measuring your son's progress against others can be good or bad. If he is not where others are at doesn't mean that Protocel isn't working. It means Protocel is working according to his body's chemistry in God's own perfect timing. There are other factors that play into Protocel's effectiveness: not ever missing a dose, the person's diet, water intake, sleep schedule, and stage at which person began taking Protocel to begin with. The battle is not with the cancer, but with the mind to not let fear take over.
I am so glad that you are on this forum. I really am. I am thankful to be able to pray for you, your son, and for God's strength to just reign upon you as you seek His hope. If you have the time, give Elonna the call. She truly is amazing when it comes to proving support.
By the way, I did find one survivor of small cell lung cancer. He had multiple types of radiation and chemotherapy. He then went to one of the expensive treatment centers and was cured of his cancer there. However, he had a very very light form of cancer compared to where my mom was at when she was diagnosed. Although he is now cured from it, he suffers from a great deal of other health issues. His treatment also cost him $40,000. I spoke to him on the phone and via email. For us, that was not a possibility. Additionally, he received treatment from using Coley's vaccine. My website discusses this more in detail, but essentially it is a vaccine that innoculates a high fever. This must be done for at least a month on a daily basis and requires nearly 24 hour care. It is a miserbale existence. I was so relieved when we found Protocel.
I hope and pray for your son's healing and your strength. Stay focused and keep going forward.
In Him,
Rejoicing in my mother's heavenly dwelling and healthy perfection.
She was a Protocel user. I am a Protocel supporter.
I am glad to be here to encourage you on your journey!
Connect with me on Facebook using the email address in the search bar:
"Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful.~Hebrews 10:23
01-13-2011, 05:56 PM,
Posts: 453
Joined: Apr 2010
Location: Rochester, NY
Health Concern: Breast Cancer w/ mets, Stage IV
RE: Tonya's Child with T-Cell Lymphoma
Hi Tonya,
Elonna and Rebecca made a couple of really great points in their responses to you, namely, "...cancer is cancer is cancer..." and that "Everyone's body responds so differently to Protocel. Whether it is the lysing or the reduction of the cancer, measuring your son's progress against others can be good or bad. If he is not where others are at doesn't mean that Protocel isn't working. It means Protocel is working according to his body's chemistry in God's own perfect timing. There are other factors that play into Protocel's effectiveness: not ever missing a dose, the person's diet, water intake, sleep schedule, and stage at which person began taking Protocel to begin with. The battle is not with the cancer, but with the mind to not let fear take over."
People have been cured of cancer, using Protocel, in so many varied types of cancers and stages of cancer and it seems that no 2 people have exactly the same reaction to Protocel, in terms of lysing and so on. When I began my search for a new alternative treatment (the previous alternatives I tried may have held it at bay somewhat but I was at Stage 4 with metastesis to several places in Dec. of '09) I was hoping to read about someone 'exactly like me' who had been cured. Well, although there are many women with breast cancer, no 2 of us has Exactly the same cancer with the same number of cancer cells with the same immune system and so many other variables. Instead, I found that the same basic rules (about taking Protocel) apply and it's very comforting to have a community of people, here on the forum, on the same healing journey who have been through or are going through or are related to someone going through what I am going through. That support goes a long way towards helping a person have a better attitude and therefore makes it easier to heal.
I guess, in my own rambling way, I'm trying to say that we are here for you and your son, whether it's to answer questions or just to offer our love and prayers and support. Use us as often as you need to.
Original dx March 2004-Invasive ductal carcinoma, hormone positive.
No conventional treatment. Went to alternative clinic in Mexico.
Recurrence dx October 2009-Stage IV Breast Cancer with mets to bone (sternum, pelvis/hips, spine).
Also to lymphatic system and "50 tiny spots" on my lungs.
Fired all my docs and started Protocel 23 in December 2009.
Also, benign brain tumor sitting on my pituitary w/ pressure on my aorta and optic nerve.
01-17-2011, 04:47 PM,
(This post was last modified: 02-06-2011, 12:36 PM by Elonna.)
Junior Member

Posts: 19
Joined: Dec 2010
Location: Illinois
Health Concern: child with t-cell lymphoblastic lymphoma
RE: Tonya's Child with T-Cell Lymphoma
The battle is not with the cancer, but with the mind to not let fear take over.
Tonya Campbell
Mother of child dx with T-Cell Non Hodgkins Lymphoblastic Lymphoma stage 4 May 2008 (11 ys old).
Treated for 2 year protocol. In remission, done with treatment May 2010 (13 years old).
Relapsed Dec 4th 2010 with docs wanting to do a BMT.
Allowed one hard round of chemo, prayed and researched and starting alternate therapy Dec. 2010. Protocel Jan 3rd. Dec. baseline Navarro 53, Jan. 21st 52.6!!
God is directing,God is healing!!
01-17-2011, 08:54 PM,
(This post was last modified: 01-17-2011, 08:56 PM by ChrisPe.)
Posts: 453
Joined: Apr 2010
Location: Rochester, NY
Health Concern: Breast Cancer w/ mets, Stage IV
RE: Tonya's Child with T-Cell Lymphoma
Hi Tonya,
In your response, you mention "Fear". I'm giving you a link to a thread in the Inspirational Messages part of the forum and Elonna's first post has some great quotes about "Fear". The rest of the posts are good too, but that one is where you should start.
As for what you're feeding your son, if you do a search on this forum for diet or menu and enter Elonna's name on the right hand side of the search page, you'll see what Elonna has to say about what to eat. Basically, it's eat well-balanced, unprocessed food, slightly higher in protein (like grass fed meat) and stay away from "white" foods like sugar (feeds the cancer!) and white flour. Extremely important is for him to drink LOTS of pure water to flush out the dead cancer. It will help his body cleanse itself in the most natural way. There's more detail in the posts but you shouldn't 'freak out' and sweat the small stuff. Your positive, confident attitude will go a long way in helping your son's recovery.
My last tip of the day, if I may, is to tell you that if you use the larger NEW REPLY button under someone's post, it won't copy their whole post. If you click on the smaller reply button within their post, it copies their whole post into your reply.
Now, put a big and genuine smile on your face and give your son a big hug and kiss and tell him everything will be ok! Just see if it doesn't make him feel better too!
Original dx March 2004-Invasive ductal carcinoma, hormone positive.
No conventional treatment. Went to alternative clinic in Mexico.
Recurrence dx October 2009-Stage IV Breast Cancer with mets to bone (sternum, pelvis/hips, spine).
Also to lymphatic system and "50 tiny spots" on my lungs.
Fired all my docs and started Protocel 23 in December 2009.
Also, benign brain tumor sitting on my pituitary w/ pressure on my aorta and optic nerve.
01-18-2011, 03:51 PM,
Junior Member

Posts: 19
Joined: Dec 2010
Location: Illinois
Health Concern: child with t-cell lymphoblastic lymphoma
RE: Tonya's Child with T-Cell Lymphoma
THANK YOU!! Thanks Chris for the instructions too for this forum. I will check out that forum. We use grass fed meat too. I am adding coconut oil to his diet where i can and sprouted breads.  I will check out that link. Blessings to you all and please give any more indo any of you have. We assume it is working due to lysing signs for about a week..now it may take some time to get to the lymph or the disease is just gone!! Or VERY little.....  Yeah!
Tonya Campbell
Mother of child dx with T-Cell Non Hodgkins Lymphoblastic Lymphoma stage 4 May 2008 (11 ys old).
Treated for 2 year protocol. In remission, done with treatment May 2010 (13 years old).
Relapsed Dec 4th 2010 with docs wanting to do a BMT.
Allowed one hard round of chemo, prayed and researched and starting alternate therapy Dec. 2010. Protocel Jan 3rd. Dec. baseline Navarro 53, Jan. 21st 52.6!!
God is directing,God is healing!!