12-26-2010, 01:18 PM,
(This post was last modified: 01-16-2011, 04:10 AM by Elonna.)
Junior Member

Posts: 19
Joined: Dec 2010
Location: Illinois
Health Concern: child with t-cell lymphoblastic lymphoma
Tonya - Son with T-Cell Lymphoblastic Lymphoma
My name is Tonya. My son just relapsed with T Cell Lymphoblastic Lymphoma after a 2 year coarse and remission for approx 4-5 months. It is quite aggressive. We allowed them to put him through one round of a very intense chemo to get him into remission, they want to do a second and then BMT. We feel more everyday that we cannot allow this and sense strongly that it will be too much for him. But we do not want our son to die!! We are going to start Protocel. We have already done a Navarro Urine test which according to this shows a 53 and shows that the chemo helped us at least get down to a manageable level. He is having very hard time recovering for this, we can see it everyday. We feel God is leading us to NOT do the BMT and are not sure he would be able to tolerate one more dose of chemo. We are getting stronger and stronger in our resolution to avoid further chemo. Researching and prayer have helped immensely. Looking to chat/ get feedback/encouragement from other parents on similar road.
Tonya Campbell
Mother of child dx with T-Cell Non Hodgkins Lymphoblastic Lymphoma stage 4 May 2008 (11 ys old).
Treated for 2 year protocol. In remission, done with treatment May 2010 (13 years old).
Relapsed Dec 4th 2010 with docs wanting to do a BMT.
Allowed one hard round of chemo, prayed and researched and starting alternate therapy Dec. 2010. Protocel Jan 3rd. Dec. baseline Navarro 53, Jan. 21st 52.6!!
God is directing,God is healing!!
01-16-2011, 04:12 AM,
Posts: 1,639
Joined: Apr 2010
Location: Ohio, USA
Health Concern: Survivor of a Glioblastoma Multiforme - Stage IV
RE: Tonya - Son with T-Cell Lymphoblastic Lymphoma
I'm glad to see you on the site. I know you are wanting to talk with others that have lymphoma and I see that no one with lymphoma has stepped up to talk with you. I'm sorry about that. However, please don't be discouraged by this. Know that "The Corner" is still relatively small in number and especially in the number of individuals who are actually postings. Many people want to read posts but they are anxious about posting themselves.
Also, know that if you truly understand Jim Sheridan's theory behind Entelev/Cancell/ Protocel's working, then you know that cancer is cancer is cancer. In other words, it does not matter what kind of cancer you have -- cancer is one disease -- not many and varied as the doctors would like us to believe. The reason Protocel works is because all cancer begins with a damaged cell that begins to mutate. Protocel attacks this damaged cell. Get rid of the mutated cell -- you get rid of the cancer: No matter the locale, no matter what stage, etc .......
I look forward to working with you on The Corner.
Elonna McKibben [330/772-5649 Ohio, USA]
Website: http://www.elonnamckibben.com & http://www.strongholdofhope.com
Dx: 10-12-89 with Spinal Cord Glioblastoma Multiforme Stage IV
Surgery only on 10-12-89
Diagnosis/Prognosis given after surgery on 10-16-89
Began Cancell/Protocel #50: 11-12-89
Clear CT Scans: 2-6-90 & 2-20-90
2 yrs 3 mos on Cancell - NO other Treatment
Restored to Health & Thriving in Life for 23 years & Counting
04-08-2011, 05:29 PM,
(This post was last modified: 04-09-2011, 01:22 PM by Elonna.)
Junior Member

Posts: 44
Joined: Mar 2011
Location: Ohio
Health Concern: Nonhodgekins Follicular lymphoma
RE: Tonya - Son with T-Cell Lymphoblastic Lymphoma
Hi Tonya,
I'm not sure you will see this or not. I was just wondering how things are going with your son? I have Nonhodgkins follicular lymphoma. I started on Protocel February 23. So I have only been on it for a couple of months. My heart goes out to you. I have a 6 year old. I can't imagine the fear you have. I felt like God was directing me this way too. I hope to hear from you. Kelly
Kelly K.
48, Mother of 1 child, 6 year old male
Dx: Nonhodgekins Follicular lymphoma Stage 2-3
January 13, 2011
Surgical dx by means of removing 3 lymphnodes
February 7, 2011
Ultra sound & Hita scan in Dec 2010 Neg for gallbladder/stomache
Cat scan of the abdomen and pelvis(showed a shadow) then Cat scan of head & neck in Dec 2010
Pet scan Jan 2011 Showed several enlarged lymphnodes
throughout the abdomen and one above the diaphram
Bone Marrow biopsy Jan 2011 Neg for mets.
Port placed Feb 11, 2011
Scheduled to start Chemotherapy R-chop
Feb 18th, but backed out!
Started Protocel February 23, 2011
04-08-2011, 08:39 PM,
ann td
Posts: 1,276
Joined: Apr 2010
Location: Flower Mound, Texas
Health Concern: basal cell skin cancer
RE: Tonya - Son with T-Cell Lymphoblastic Lymphoma
I'm praying for you and your son as well, Tonya. I'm so sorry you are having to go through this fire with your child! He's already been through so much to his body. May God bless you and hold you close.
Ann Thiede (Searcy, Arkansas)
DX: 08/99 Ductal Carcinoma In Situ (lumpectomy, radiation, adjunct meds for 7 years)
06/09 Basal Cell Carcinoma (nose: 2 biopsies 6/09, 10/09)
Began Protocel 08/09 
Cleared by dermotologist 01-10, 08-10
05-14-2011, 09:39 PM,
Junior Member

Posts: 37
Joined: Apr 2011
Location: California
Health Concern: NHL
RE: Tonya - Son with T-Cell Lymphoblastic Lymphoma
I am so sorry for you and your son. I am a fellow traveler with Lymphoma, but I have no advice to give you, only prayers and support. I started Protocel 2 weeks ago after 2 rounds of harsh chemo. They never got me into remission, and the only thing they have to offer me is a donor BMT. Protocel seemed like a better option than a BMT, so here I am. I am praying for you and your son as you go through this difficult time.