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Administration of The Corner
01-15-2012, 08:46 AM, (This post was last modified: 03-17-2012, 02:55 PM by Elonna.)
Administration of The Corner

Due to some recent posts directed to "Administration of The Corner", I thought I needed to clarify to you all that I am the administration of The Corner. While Rob is also considered an administrator, he rarely does any posting or finalizing of registrations. Additionally, our nephew Brandon is also an administrator, however, this is solely for the purpose of updating The Corner forum program and/or making changes to it. He will never be involved in the day-to-day operations of The Corner.

To clarify, if you are writing to "Administration" you are going to get my private email address right now. There may come a time where we switch it to something different so it is separated out and kept from being batched with my regular emails, however, right now it is being directed into my private email address.

ALL registration applications are hand accepted by myself in order to avoid having spam addresses/content on The Corner. For example, today when I signed on, there was something like 25-30 spam registrations which I had to hand delete. This amount is higher than normal, but every time I go into activation area, there 2-3, often more. Further, while I can appreciate every new individual's desire to get onto The Corner immediately, it is impossible for me to activate registrations on a daily basis. Individuals are sent information when they fill out a registration that should tell them that it takes 24-72 hours for their application to be finalized.

Finally, if you need to send me an administration-type email, feel free to do so. I will do my best to address the forum issue(s) brought to my attention through such email. However, at the moment, please know that you will receive an automatically generated email stating that I am behind in my email replies and asking for individuals to join The Corner or call me personally. Your email is still being placed into my inbox and I will find it in there eventually. It probably would be a good idea to put wording in the subject line to the effect that it is about The Corner.

Thank you!
Elonna McKibben [330/772-5649 Ohio, USA]
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